Saturday, December 21, 2019

Women Spies of the Civil War Essay - 1615 Words

Women Spies of the Civil War â€Å" [At first] it was not deemed possible that any danger could result from the utterances of non-combatant females†¦ That this policy was a mistaken one was soon fully proved†¦Ã¢â‚¬  - Allan Pinkerton, The Spy of the Rebellions, 1883 (Leonard 1). In antebellum America there was little tolerance for autonomous women. Usually females, spanning all classes, were attached to households, dependent on males for status and wealth. Society demanded that domesticity be the woman’s domain, any deviations from this constricting edict was met with disdain. The cultural myth of the model genteel women permeated the fabric of 19th century life. However, with the advent of the Civil†¦show more content†¦Beauregard received the missive in time and was able to strategically rearrange his troops. Rose is credited as a crucial component to the Confederate victory at the first Battle of Bull Run. Isabelle Buchanan Edmondson, nicknamed Belle, was an uncontrollable, wild young woman living with her family in Elm Ridge, Tennessee. Searching for an outlet for her restless energy she began smuggling and spying for her beloved South. In 1863, Belle began working for Captain Thomas Henderson’s Independent Scouts based out of Memphis. She transported contraband: basic necessities, medicine, weapons, and hundreds of letters between rebel soldiers and their families across the Yankee picket lines. To hide all of these illegal goods, Belle utilized the traditional Southern style dress of hoop skirts and elaborate hairdos, which concealed much. Sometimes she could not walk because of the heavy weight of hidden items under her clothes and would have to hire a ride. Yankee spy Pauline Cushman was born Harriet Wood in New Orleans, Louisiana. However her father lost all of his money when Harriet was young and moved the family to Grand Rapids, Michigan. From this rugged, outdoor life, she developed a passion for adventure that would last a lifetime. At age eighteen, Harriet decided to leave home to discover the rest of the world. HerShow MoreRelatedWomen Spies in the American Civil War2015 Words   |  9 Pagesmillion deaths the most gruesome war in American history drove citizens to action. The suffering during this era was so great many were inspired by nationalism to act. For those who were unable to join the fight upon the battlefield, espionage represented a chance for personal involvement. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Unit 307, Outcome 1 Support Assessment for Learning Free Essays

Support assessment for learning Compare and contrast the roles of the teacher and the learning support practitioner in assessment of learners achievements In order to assess pupil’s achievements the teacher will take the main lead in doing so and the learning support practitioner will take guidance from the teacher’s assessments in order to support the pupil’s progress. In order to have a clear vision of the students ability and how they are progressing, the class teacher will monitor and assess students achievements, conduct reports of the achievements found for the department; other staff including year learning co-ordinators; and for the parents, they will also have meetings to share examples of pupil’s progress and discuss why they think that child is working at that particular level, this will further help the teacher to shape and adapt their teaching to a child’s individual needs. The teaching assistant’s role at this time will be to support the teacher and have an input by discussing how they also believe the student is coping with the subject and to help set targets that can be put into the report so the student can achieve to their full potential. We will write a custom essay sample on Unit 307, Outcome 1: Support Assessment for Learning or any similar topic only for you Order Now In order for students to progress in a lesson a teacher will plan each lesson by producing a scheme of work, so that the learning objectives for that lesson are clear, the teaching assistant will support the teacher by looking at the scheme of work prepared and after discussing with the teacher will prepare differentiated materials for SEN and targeted students and make sure these are done before the lesson is due to take place. The teaching assistant can also support the teacher by helping manage classroom behaviour, and keeping students especially targeted students focused on the task at hand, encouraging students by making positive comments and prompting them to participate in the lesson. Summarise the difference between formative and summative assessment. A formative assessment assists the teacher in developing their lesson so that they can improve the student’s attainment and is designed to give pupils eedback in order to improve in their learning. There are many different types of formative assessment which include; observations to understand how a student works and what strategies they use; write backs; diagnostic testing which can be done at the beginning of a term to check students strengths and weaknesses in learning; and engaging pupils in reviewing progress where at the end of the lesson teacher asks questions about the material that has just been learnt to check they have understood the l earning objectives. Whereas a summative assessment comes at the end of a topic, term or year for a summary of what the student has learnt and is the formal testing. The results of these tests are then used for different types of reports including whole school, departmental, and parent reports. Explain the characteristics of assessment for learning. The main characteristics of assessment for learning are to encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own learning. This can be done by; making sure that pupils are actively involved in lessons from the very start; students are continuously referred back to the learning objective throughout the lesson so they know they are on the right track; helping students understand and know the standard of work that they are aiming for in class by reflecting and questioning themselves, for example ‘what have I learnt? ’ and ‘what could I have done/do to improve that piece of work? ; allowing time for peer assessment and getting students to provide each other with constructive critism; teachers providing constructive feedback that will help pupils identify improvements and by also educating pupils in self assessment methods in order to ascertain areas for development. Explain the importance and benefits of assessment for learning Assessment for learning is an essential part of education as it defines whether or not students have fully understood the learning objectives. However assessment for learning plays a significant role in raising a student’s academic achievements and is centred on the belief that in order for pupil to progress in school, they must understand the purpose of their learning, where they are in relation to this purpose and how they can achieve their goals, and research has shown that students that are involved in the assessment process are more likely to show higher motivation for their learning and take an active role in making improvements to their work by reflecting on their own development. If a pupil is given the opportunity to discuss their learning either with a teacher or one of their peers then they will develop a deeper understanding of their learning which can build confidence, raise their self esteem and motivate them as students. Effective assessment will identify individual educational needs of all children as well as informing them about their specific performances and achievements, this will then allow teachers to use approaches that are personalised to the needs of a child. Assessment can be used not only to measure learning but also to promote learning by teaching pupils how to ask questions as well as answering them, by emphasising to a child that it is acceptable to ‘have a go’ and that by giving the wrong answer is still an opportunity to learn. It further provides the student with an understanding of what levels they are working at, what level they would like to working towards, and plan on how they are going to reach that level. Explain how assessment for learning can contribute to planning for future learning carried out by: Day to day assessments are a crucial phase of effective teaching, and consists of the teacher and teaching assistant in the class focusing on how the students learning is progressing in that particular lesson and defining where improvements can be made. If also allows both the teacher and teaching assistant to recognise what steps should be taken to support each student achieve to the best of their ability. The teacher It is important for the teacher to carry out a number of observations on their students and conduct topic knowledge test to have a greater understanding of students’ abilities. Once this is done the teacher can measure what the child can do and what they know, and they can determine what is successful and what approaches they are going to take when they are planning their lessons i. e. do some students need differentiated materials, does pair/group work activities need to be incorporated within the lesson to help students growth and development of their skills and knowledge. When this is in place the teacher will be able to measure the students progress and then they can encourage the pupil to take responsibility for their own learning and be involved in the assessment process as a whole The learners The assessment process for students will encourage and teach them to reflect on their work on a regular basis, and question themselves on whether they have met the learning objective for that lesson. This in turn will teach them to assess their own work and look at how they can make improvements to it, in accordance to the criteria they need to meet, furthermore it will make them feel included in the learning process and provide them with the confidence to ask for help when they are unsure or to say when they feel they have not understood the learning objectives correctly. The learning support practitioner The teaching assistant (TA) should always work in partnership with the teacher, to gain a greater understanding of how you can support and enhance the learning of the students. If you have more than one students who is low ability or a targeted SEN student, it can be an idea to sit them at the same table so that the TA can sit with them all so they can work at a pace that is suitable for them. This also allow the TA to help clarify the learning objectives for the lesson by asking questions such as â€Å"what are we learning about today? †, â€Å"can you highlight the key words in the learning objectives? †. It also provides low ability students’ with an opportunity to ask questions about their work and have clarification that they are on the right path. Thus assessment for learning provides the teaching assistant with knowledge of the students’ abilities and what types of questions to use to gage their understanding. How to cite Unit 307, Outcome 1: Support Assessment for Learning, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Magellan Essay Summary Example For Students

Magellan Essay Summary You might be asking yourself who was the first man to circumnavigate the world? Well his name was Ferdindad Magellan one of the greatest sailors of all time. He was the first man to cross the Pacific Ocean. Ferdinand Magellan was born in about 1480 in Sabrosa of a noble family, and he spent his years as a court page. He was one of the greatest sailors to sale for Portugal. He did some runs for the king but never anything important. He had a love for the open seas and wanted to move on to bigger and greater things. He as a young child always wanted to see the world and be a great explorer like the ones he had heard about. At his first chance he signed up for the army and became a soldier. And in 1506 he was shipped out to the East Indies were he would take part in exploration and some military expeditions. These would take place in Malacca and Moluccas also known as the Spice Islands. In the year 1510 through hard work and acts of bravery he would be promoted to the rank of captain. He returned to Portugal in 1512 and 1513. He was re-stationed to Morocco were he was wounded pretty bad and maimed for life. Due to his situation he requested an increase in his royal salary. But Magellan was denied this increase by the king of Portugal, Emanuel. Emanuel disliked Magellan and did not care for his plans of find a westward passage to the Moluccas. At this point Magellan had had enough of the king of Portugal and he disowned his Portuguese nationality. In the year 1517 he would offer his services to the king of Spain, Charles I, who would later become known as The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. Magellan was known to be a very persuasive person and had good salesmanship skills, He convinced Charles V to find a westward rout to Moluccas. If Magellan could achieve this task Spains wealth would skyrocket past its competing countries. On September 20,1519 Magellan started his great journey to the Moluccas from Sanlucar de Barrameda with five ships. That same year sometime in November he would reach land in South America. In February 1520 he explored the Rio de la Plata estuary. And on March 21, 1520 Magellan and his five-ship fleet would reach port at San Julian. They would not leave San Julian as quick as they thought, they would remain there for six months from disease and other complication. One of Magellans five ships would become wrecked and mutiny broke out among the disgruntled. After there problems were worked out and mutiny settled down the would leave port and find the passage to the Pacific Ocean. He names the rout after himself (the Straight of Magellan) and named the Pacific Ocean after how peaceful and calm it was. But along this trip he lost another ship that had lost faith and deserted he en rout to the Pacific. They had been at sea for 38 days he traveled 330 miles, and on November 28 1520 Magellan reached the Pacific Ocean he only had three ships left out of his original five-ship fleet. They would be the first Europeans to sail across the Pacific Ocean. He would move on to reach the Landron Islands on March 6, 1521.Ten days later he discovered the Philippines. On April the 2nd he discovered Cebu. He met with the Islands clan leader and made an alliance with him to attack the natives on the neighboring island of Mactan. .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25 , .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25 .postImageUrl , .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25 , .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25:hover , .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25:visited , .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25:active { border:0!important; } .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25:active , .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25 .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua1afcff20e6a386810c235d4af4dbb25:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Personal SWOT Analysis Essay This would be a terrible mistake for Magellan for he would be killed on a Mactan expedition. Many of the crewmembers found the military act to be pointless and did not participate in the expedition. But the crew would not just quite without their famous captain they would fight on. A young Spanish navigator named Juan Sebastian del Cano takes over. At this point two ships lost faith in the new leader and deserted while another caught on fire and sank. The last ship, named Victoria, was commanded by del Cano through the Cape of Good Hope route to Seville on September 6,1522. Although Magellan did not live to make the journey home he did circumnavigate the globe by passing the easternmost point he had visited on an earlier voyage. Although the voyage lost four of his ships the spices retrieved and shipped on Victoria alone paid for the expedition. Finding the passage was not as big of a success as Spain had hoped it to be. The Straight of Magellan was to long of a trip to be of any help to the Spanish so they sold their information to Portugal. But many things were still discovered on the trip. The voyage set up the foundation for trade in the Pacific and give a guide for trade ships traveling between the New World and the East. Spain did not see how important the Philippines was at first, but before the end of the century. Spain would make Manila a major trading center in the East. Ferdinand Magellan proved to the world and all those who rejected his ideas that one could circumnavigate the world. His discoveries and passages opened new doors to a larger world. He will always be remembered as the first man who sailed around the world