Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Paul Anti Judaism

Ruether vs. Gager: Romans 11:26 â€Å"Jesus, yes; but Paul never†. It is very clear that this statement sums up some individual’s viewpoint of the Apostle known as Paul. Everyone has their own interpretation and everyone has formed their own opinion. It is ironic that the most famous character in the New Testament outside of Jesus gets misunderstood more than anyone other person of his time. If its any consolation, Jesus also got misunderstood, this puts Jesus and Paul in a league of their own. Possibly, people just didn’t want to hear what he said so they form negative connotations against him so they are exempt from his teachings. There are a number of different scenarios you can create to figure out the enigma that is Paul the Apostle. I will concentrate on one simple verse in the Bible. The verse is Romans 11:26. â€Å"And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: â€Å"The Deliverer will come out of Zion, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob† (Rom. 11:26) The first section of Romans 11:26 has been interpreted and dissected from many people. It seems to have many meanings in the form that Paul wrote it. Two particular people have written literary works about Paul and in both this verse is mentioned. Both authors have different interpretations of the verse and see Paul in a different light because of it. I will start with Rosemary Ruether who believes that Paul is Anti-Jewish. In her commentary about Paul, she clearly states that Judaism is the opposite of Faith in Christ. If you are a Jew, you are not a Christian and if a Christian, not a Jew. She makes the argument that there is nothing special about Jewish people, for Jewish and Gentile are both sinners and have fallen short of the Glory. In regards to Romans 11:26, Ruether believes in the salvation of the Jews, but she believes it is at an appointed time. If you look a verse before, Paul mentions the Jewish people as living with a mystery. He mentions a... Free Essays on Paul Anti Judaism Free Essays on Paul Anti Judaism Ruether vs. Gager: Romans 11:26 â€Å"Jesus, yes; but Paul never†. It is very clear that this statement sums up some individual’s viewpoint of the Apostle known as Paul. Everyone has their own interpretation and everyone has formed their own opinion. It is ironic that the most famous character in the New Testament outside of Jesus gets misunderstood more than anyone other person of his time. If its any consolation, Jesus also got misunderstood, this puts Jesus and Paul in a league of their own. Possibly, people just didn’t want to hear what he said so they form negative connotations against him so they are exempt from his teachings. There are a number of different scenarios you can create to figure out the enigma that is Paul the Apostle. I will concentrate on one simple verse in the Bible. The verse is Romans 11:26. â€Å"And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: â€Å"The Deliverer will come out of Zion, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob† (Rom. 11:26) The first section of Romans 11:26 has been interpreted and dissected from many people. It seems to have many meanings in the form that Paul wrote it. Two particular people have written literary works about Paul and in both this verse is mentioned. Both authors have different interpretations of the verse and see Paul in a different light because of it. I will start with Rosemary Ruether who believes that Paul is Anti-Jewish. In her commentary about Paul, she clearly states that Judaism is the opposite of Faith in Christ. If you are a Jew, you are not a Christian and if a Christian, not a Jew. She makes the argument that there is nothing special about Jewish people, for Jewish and Gentile are both sinners and have fallen short of the Glory. In regards to Romans 11:26, Ruether believes in the salvation of the Jews, but she believes it is at an appointed time. If you look a verse before, Paul mentions the Jewish people as living with a mystery. He mentions a...

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