Monday, January 6, 2020

Essay on Learning about Cultural Diversity - 486 Words

During this semester, I had the opportunity of working with a class of 2nd Graders in the Long Beach area. Even though in my last two serve rotations I was exposed to students from different linguistically and cultural backgrounds, this year I had the opportunity of truly experiencing multicultural diversity in the classroom. Since Jane Addams is located in the ghetto area of Long beach, the majority of the students are the so called minorities. Mrs. Chavarria classroom represented pluralism and world cultures; in her classroom there were Filipinos Samoans, African Americans, Latinos a couple of white kids, and a Hispanic/Chinese boy. This last serve rotation gave me the opportunity to experience my mentor teachers pedagogical approaches†¦show more content†¦While reading some of the journals from my classmates in this class, I realized that cultural frictions exist, as stated in their own words, not only in the upper elementary levels but as early as in kindergarten. Hence, it is our responsibility as the future teachers of this nation to make sure that we make culture and social justice part of our curriculum. This of course, might not eliminate the cultural borders that presently exist in our society but certainly will help us to move towards a more equitable and democratic society. Because contemporary relations between groups cannot be understood without an examination of the images members of these groups have of themselves and of other groups. I also learned that culture are the learned patterns of thought and behavior characteristic of a population or a society and that it is important for teachers to be aware and have a basic knowledge about different cultures because this awareness will help the teacher to plan her instruction according to the needs of her students and to guide them to develop the skills necessary to succeed in this challenging society. Teachers who are culturally educated can activate students prior knowledge to help them clarify concepts and develop language. It is also important for teachers to learn to appreciate the diversities in a multicultural society and to learn to settle conflicts without violence and in aShow MoreRelatedEssay about Improving Education through Cultural Diversity1087 Words   |  5 PagesIn today’s society, cultural diversity is important as it was many centuries ago. According to dictionary, cultural diversity is the coexistence of different culture, ethnic, race, ge nder in one specific unit. In order, for America to be successful, our world must be a multicultural world. This existence starts within our learning facilities where our students and children are educated. 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